Krieger Responds to Governor Wolf’s $33.8 billion Budget Proposal
GREENSBURG – State Rep. Tim Krieger (R-Delmont) issued the following statement today regarding Gov. Tom Wolf’s 2015-16 state budget proposal:
“Today, the governor spoke of the restoration of the middle class. Personally, there is nothing I wish for more fondly than Pennsylvania’s middle class being returned to all of the prosperity and stability we once enjoyed. Increasing state spending by 16 percent, from $29 billion to $33.8 billion, to be paid for largely by taxing the middle class, is not a recipe for prosperity.
“Never in the history of the world has government taxed and spent a people into prosperity. However, government can certainly impoverish a people by stripping them of their wealth and sapping them of their will. Make no mistake, all rhetoric aside, this is exactly what the governor’s proposed budget would achieve.”
Representative Tim Krieger
57th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Ty McCauslin
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