Jan. 15, 2022 / Press Release
HARRISBURG – Pennsylvania Speaker of the House Bryan Cutler (R-Lancaster) and House Majority Leader Kerry Benninghoff (R-Centre/Mifflin) made the following statement after Gov. Tom Wolf released congressional maps that he says can garner his approval:
“Over the last six months, the House Republican Caucus championed and led the most transparent congressional redistricting process in Pennsylvania history. Over that same period, the Wolf administration either ignored or publicly admonished our repeated good faith attempts to work collaboratively toward a final congressional map.
“Completing congressional redistricting is one of the most basic, constitutionally mandated functions of state governments. While the Pennsylvania House of Representatives worked diligently to fulfill its constitutional obligation, this governor was completely and willfully negligent in openly refusing to participate in this important function.
“By releasing his maps today, Gov. Wolf is completing the final play of his well-worn playbook of refusing to work with the Legislature on substantive issues, waiting until the clock has nearly run out, and then changing his mind and attempting to issue a unilateral ultimatum that is devoid of all sincerity of effort.
“A bad process leads to bad results and the release of the Wolf maps is the result of a self-destructed process that lacks even the most basic trappings of openness and transparency. In addition, there is no sufficient opportunity for public comment on his maps before his administration’s Jan. 24 deadline.
“His maps, released well past the eleventh hour, are nothing but a bill of goods designed as a public relations smokescreen meant more to cover for his administration’s own failure of effort than a true show of willingness to work together to reach a final, consensus congressional map.”
Representative Kerry Benninghoff
Pennsylvania House Majority Leader
171st Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Jason Gottesman
Speaker Cutler Contact – Mike Straub: mstraub@pahousegop.com
KerryBenninghoff.com /