Mar. 06, 2018

HARRISBURG – House Judiciary Committee Majority Chairman Ron Marsico (R-Dauphin) today announced a series of hearings will be held to discuss public safety legislation, including proposed bills relating to Pennsylvania’s gun laws.

“With the recent tragedies in Parkland, Orlando and Las Vegas, as well other school shootings that have occurred over the last year, it is clear we need to act to prevent these situations from happening in the future,” said Marsico. “That’s why I’ve called for a series of special public hearings to discuss legislation dealing with public safety, violence and firearms.”

The hearings are intended to help members and the public focus on these issues. Marsico intends to offer time to any member who wishes to address the committee to outline proposals, advocate ideas and explain concerns. At the conclusion of these hearings, a public comment period will be open for input, followed by a hearing on a future date.

“This topic is too important to exclude any member’s point of view, and I would hope all of the members of the House will be able to participate,” Marsico said. “We are looking at this as a way to build bipartisan consensus for an effective legislative strategy to keep Pennsylvania students and residents safe.”

The hearings will be held as follows:
  • Monday, April 9, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., in Room 140, Main Capitol, Harrisburg.
  • Tuesday, April 10, 10-11 a.m., in Room 140, Main Capitol, Harrisburg.
  • Wednesday, April 11, 10-11 a.m., in Room 140, Main Capitol, Harrisburg.
  • Thursday, April 12, time and location to be determined.

?Representative Ronald Marsico
105th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Autumn R. Southard, 717.652.3721
