Ward Reacts to Wolf Partial Budget Veto
HARRISBURG – State Rep. Judy Ward (R-Blair) released the following statement in reaction to Gov. Tom Wolf’s partial veto of
House Bill 1460, the budget legislation passed last week by the General Assembly:
“When the current holiday break comes to an end this Monday, Jan. 4, parents who wondered if their child’s school would be open will be relieved to know it is. Gov. Wolf’s actions today are responsible for that, as well as for releasing much-needed funding to domestic violence and rape crisis centers that were on the verge of shutting their doors if they have not done so already.
“It is unfortunate it took this long for the governor to reach a conclusion that was brought to his attention on numerous occasions since June 30. His actions held hard-working Pennsylvanians hostage while he pushed for tax increases that simply don’t have legislative support. Our votes against tax hikes convey our constituents’ insistence on more responsible fiscal policy. Maybe now the governor will realize his goal must be legislation that has the votes to move through both the House and Senate.
“He also continues to push for additional education funding based on the perceived cuts of the Corbett administration. The governor is using his belief in them to mischaracterize the $405 million in added education funding he was presented with as a $95 million cut. He needs to stop ‘cooking the books’ to promote his political agenda.
“The answer to our budget impasse is good stewardship of taxpayer dollars, not further reliance on the taxpayers’ wallets. The sooner the governor realizes that, the sooner this impasse will end.”
Representative Judy Ward
80th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Tricia Lehman
RepJudyWard.com /