Speaker Names Impeachment Managers for Krasner Trial
HARRISBURG – In accordance with House Resolution 240, Speaker of the House Bryan Cutler (R-Lancaster) has named a committee of managers in the impeachment trial of Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner.
House Resolution 240 officially impeached Mr. Krasner, and the process now advances to the Pennsylvania Senate for impeachment trial proceedings which could result in his removal from office.
The House Speaker is required to appoint a committee of three members, two from the majority party and one from the minority, to exhibit the articles of impeachment to the Senate, and manage the trial on behalf of the House. Cutler named the following House members as managers:
Rep. Craig Williams (R-Delaware/Chester)
Rep. Tim Bonner (R-Mercer/Butler)
Rep. Jared Solomon (D-Philadelphia)
“These members exemplify the competency and character required in this moment,” Cutler said. “Their credibility cannot be understated, and each of their diverse experiences and education will help ensure this process is treated with the utmost professionalism and thoroughness. This trial must be transparent and presented at the highest possible standard, something this committee is more than capable of doing.”
Removal from office requires a two-thirds majority vote of the state Senate.
Speaker Bryan Cutler
100th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Mike Straub
RepCutler.com / Facebook.com/RepBryanCutler