Energy Tax Will Cripple Pennsylvania Families, Says Kail
HARRISBURG – House Republican Policy Committee Chairman Joshua D. Kail (R-Beaver/Washington) held a press conference today to highlight the negative impacts associated with the $663 million energy tax in Gov. Josh Shapiro’s and House Democrats’ budget proposal for the 2023-24 Fiscal Year.
“During a time when families struggle to pay for basic necessities, Democrats want to take more of your hard-earned dollars,” said Kail. “Simply put: More taxes aren’t the solution, and they create a significant obstacle to opportunity.”
Kail continued, “Governor Josh Shapiro is playing political games while workers are losing their jobs. If we want transformational change in our Commonwealth, we must end the political games, end the tax and spend status quo and provide hope for future Pennsylvanians to come.”
According to the Independent Fiscal Office (IFO) – a nonpartisan agency designed to provide revenue projections and analysis for use in the state budget process – the tax would increase electricity rates by nearly four times.
In 2019, Gov. Tom Wolf signed an executive order bypassing the Legislature that forced Pennsylvania into a regional carbon tax program. According to a 2022 report by Fox 56 in Wilkes-Barre, auction clearing prices – the amount energy producers pay to buy “credits” to offset their emissions – were $3.24 per short ton. At that time, taxpayer-funded analysts insisted prices would stay under $5 through 2030. However, the clearing price exceeded $13 per short ton, more than four times what the department estimated and 40% above the original projection.
Representative Josh Kail
15th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives