Scheuren Proposes Constitutional Amendment to Bar Issuance of Driver Licenses to Illegal Aliens
HARRISBURG – Rep. Donna Scheuren (R-Montgomery) released the following statement in regard to her proposed legislation that would amend the Pennsylvania Constitution to bar illegal aliens from being issued driver licenses.
“For multiple years now, the debate on immigration policy has been at the center of both federal and state politics. Part of this debate that I feel has been overlooked far too often has been the issuing of driver licenses to illegal aliens. There are too many recent examples of American citizens being seriously injured or killed in accidents caused by an illegal alien driving on our roads – and that includes incidents within our Commonwealth.
“The failed federal policies of the previous administration have seen far too many criminals come over our border. Our neighbors in New York and New Jersey have failed as well by allowing illegal aliens to have driver licenses, which only incentivizes illegal border crossings. The safety of Pennsylvania residents and their family members must come first, especially when dealing with illegals unable to read general traffic signs or PennDOT message boards indicating hazardous roadway conditions.
“I believe the best pathway is to allow the people of Pennsylvania to vote on a constitutional amendment that would make this a permanent law, instead of something that could be changed in an instant. I am hopeful my colleagues will join in co-sponsoring my legislation and that we allow the people of Pennsylvania to make the final decision.”
To view Scheuren’s co-sponsorship memo,
click here.
Representative Donna Scheuren
147th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Joe Szymanski /