Marsico Retains House Judiciary Committee Chairmanship
HARRISBURG—State Rep. Ron Marsico (R-Lower Paxton) has officially been appointed, by Speaker of the House Mike Turzai, to serve as Republican chair of the House Judiciary Committee for the 2015-16 legislative session.

“I am thrilled to have the opportunity to continue chairing a committee that is hands-on with so many issues,” said Marsico. “I am looking forward to working with the members of this committee to create legislation that will enhance our state’s public safety and criminal justice system.

“I have been highly involved with law enforcement issues, drug issues and criminal justice issues during my time in the legislature,” said Marsico. “That is why I am extremely pleased to, once again, have the opportunity to lead the Judiciary Committee and focus on some of my top priorities.”

Marsico helped to pass legislation to improve the safety of communities across Pennsylvania by accelerating the reporting process of sex offenders and sexually violent predators. He has also authored laws to help protect children locally and across the state from the dangers of drug abuse by banning look-alike drug sales to minors and strengthening mandatory minimum penalties against heroin dealers. Marsico established the Child Protection Task Force to conduct a thorough and comprehensive review to ascertain any inadequacies relating to the mandatory reporting of child abuse and restore public confidence in the ability of the Commonwealth to protect victims of child abuse.

Marsico has also advocated for legislation that would allow parents to test their minor children for drugs and for a new law to increase penalties against rapists who victimize young children and those who cause serious bodily injuries to their victims, regardless of the victim’s age. He also sponsored new laws to update the Adam Walsh Act, which is the law that provides for a national sex offender registry, and fought for the implementation of legislation that closed loopholes in Pennsylvania’s Megan’s Law.

“The stage is set to begin discussions on several major initiatives this legislative session,” said Marsico. “I envision law enforcement continuing to be a top priority of the committee in the coming session. And I strongly believe that adding a mandatory three-year probation term to any sentence for those who are convicted of specific sexual offenses will be a key objective in the coming session. I introduced legislation to do just that last session and will continue to push for its enactment.”

Marsico has also been appointed to the House Transportation Committee for the 2015-16 legislative session. For more information on Marsico, please visit his Web site at

Representative Ronald Marsico
105th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Autumn R. Southard