Staats Appointed to Four House Committees
HARRISBURG – Rep. Craig Staats (R-Bucks) announced that he has been named to serve on four House committees during the 2015-16 legislative session, including Education, Commerce, Aging and Older Adult Services, and Human Services, on which he will serve as secretary.
“I am extremely pleased to serve on a number of committees that deal with some of the most important issues to the people of Bucks County,” Staats said.
Staats brings 32 years of business experience to his service on the House Commerce Committee, which considers legislation or state programs that directly affect Pennsylvania companies and consumers. It also provides legislative oversight for regulations proposed for the banking industry, the financial services industry, economic development agencies and programs, and housing agencies and programs.
“An important aspect to being an effective legislator is promoting policies that would encourage economic growth and job creation in the Commonwealth,” Staats said. “I look forward to working with my colleagues on the Commerce Committee as we consider legislation that will have that effect.”
Staats will serve on the Education Committee, which reviews legislation related to the Commonwealth’s school districts, charter schools, private schools, homeschooling, vocational education, community colleges, Pennsylvania’s 14 state-owned universities, four state-related institutions of higher learning and public libraries.
“Education is sure to be a priority in the new session,” Staats said. “I am committed to ensuring that every student in the Commonwealth has the opportunity to receive a high-quality education.”
Staats will join the Aging and Older Adult Services Committee, which considers legislation affecting Pennsylvania’s elderly population. Some of the issues that pertain to the Aging and Older Adult Services Committee include long term care, adult day care, elder abuse, the Property Tax and Rent Rebate Program and various programs and services supported by the Pennsylvania Lottery.
Staats will also serve as secretary of the Human Services Committee, which considers legislation related to programs and services for persons with disabilities, individuals who suffer from alcohol or drug addiction, and the professionals who help these communities. As secretary, Staats will act as the information and reference point for members and assist the chairman.
Representative Craig Staats
145th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Jonathan Anzur
717.260.6610 /