Warner Named to Three House Committees
HARRISBURG— Rep. Ryan Warner (R-Fayette/Westmoreland) has been appointed to serve on the following three standing committees for the 2015-16 legislative session: Game and Fisheries, Gaming Oversight, and Local Government.

“Committee work provides in-depth, thorough review of the issues, which I believe will in turn help me to better serve my constituents,” Warner said. “I am eager to begin working on these important committees, which address issues facing the everyday lives of Pennsylvanians.”

Within the legislative process, all bills are first sent to and reviewed by committees. During the committee process, amendments can be offered, discussions on the bills take place and sometimes public or informational hearings are held to gather more information on a legislative issue before a vote is taken on whether or not to advance a bill for a vote before the full House.

The Game and Fisheries Committee is tasked with legislation affecting the PA Game Commission, the PA Fish and Boat Commission, and all sportsman and wildlife-related issues.

“A passionate and avid sportsman myself, I look forward to enhance hunting and fishing opportunities across the state,” Warner said.

Gaming has legislative oversight of local small games of chance and bingo, local disbursement of casino gambling revenues and the operations and regulations of the PA Gaming Control Board.

“The 52nd Legislative District closely neighbors Fayette County’s Lady Luck Casino. I look forward to the opportunity as a Gaming committee member to promote the growth of the industry and local jobs.”

The Local Government Committee addresses issues related to municipal code, powers and duties of local officials, planning and zoning, intergovernmental cooperation, municipal authorities and police departments, and state technical and financial assistance to municipalities.

“It is critical that all levels of government work together to eliminate wasteful spending and ensure the most effective and efficient use of taxpayer dollars,” Warner said.
The 52nd Legislative District includes the City of Connellsville; Dawson, Dunbar, Everson, Perryopolis, Seven Springs, South Connellsville and Vanderbilt boroughs; Bullskin, Connellsville, Dunbar, Lower Tyrone, Menallen, North Union, Perry, Saltlick and Upper Tyrone townships in Fayette County, along with Scottdale Borough, and part of East Huntingdon Township in Westmoreland County.

Representative Ryan Warner
52nd Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Morgan Wagner
www.RepWarner.com / www.Facebook.com/RepWarner