Culver Announces Committee Assignments for 2015-16 Session
HARRISBURG – This week, Rep. Lynda Schlegel Culver (R-Northumberland/Snyder) received her committee assignments for her third term representing the people of the 108th District in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.

During the 2015-16 legislative session, Culver will serve as a member of the House Commerce, Transportation, Urban Affairs, and Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness committees.
• The Commerce Committee is responsible for corporate governance through the Business Corporation Law, the regulation of offers of sale and credit, as well as economic development through economic and technical assistance programs.
• The Transportation Committee handles legislation related to general Vehicle Code and regulations, which includes driver licensing and training, vehicle registration, rules of the road, and all other transportation issues, such as mass transit, rail, PennDOT and highway issues.
• The Urban Affairs Committee works on issues affecting the state’s largest cities including housing; urban redevelopment; economic development; land use planning and zoning; growth management; infrastructure financing; work in second- and third- class cities; and local services such as police, fire, sewerage and water.
• The Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee oversees legislation concerning the Pennsylvania National Guard, disaster relief, 9-1-1 emergency dispatch services, and state veterans benefits.

“As I am serving on two new committees this session, I look forward to working on different issues,” Culver explained. “I think each of these committees has unique ties back to the district I represent, and I am thankful for the experience to make Pennsylvania a better place to live, work and raise a family.”

Additionally, Culver was selected by the Majority Policy Committee to serve as a deputy policy chair. The policy committee travels across the state, conducting hearings and roundtable discussions about important issues to gather testimony and information from key stakeholders. Culver will attend these hearings and work with her colleagues in the House Republican Caucus to develop policies to address those issues.

“As a deputy policy chair, I’m looking forward to having the opportunity to work on some of the biggest issues facing our state,” Culver said.

For information on this or any other legislative topic, please contact Culver by email at, through her website at, by telephone at 570-286-5885, (or toll-free at 1-800-924-9060), or through Facebook at

Representative Lynda Schlegel Culver
108th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Krisinda Corbin
717.705.2032 /