Lewis to Serve on Four State House Committees
HARRISBURG – Rep. Harry Lewis (R-Chester) was assigned to serve on four standing House committees during the 2015-16 legislative session. Lewis was assigned to the Children and Youth, Education, Health and Urban Affairs committees.
“I am very excited to be involved with these committees,” said Lewis. “I believe that my experience as an educator at the Coatesville Area Senior High School for more than 40 years has prepared me to be a strong contributor of the Education Committee. In that time, I have served as a teacher, coach, counselor, administrator and principal. I have seen many perspectives that I will share with the committee.”
The committees provide legislative oversight and help shape the language in bills that fall under their areas of responsibility.
The state House Children and Youth Committee vets legislation regulating childcare, adoption/foster care, child custody and other issues targeted to the 18-and-under population.
The House Education Committee reviews legislation that establishes rules regarding student aid, higher education in the Commonwealth, basic education, special education, school personnel and libraries.
The House Health Committee deals with legislation regarding pharmaceutical issues, nursing home licensure, health savings accounts, telemedicine and many health problems.
The House Urban Affairs Committee handles legislation dealing with property abandonment, codes enforcement, urban redevelopment and city services.
“I am also eager to get started on the Urban Affairs Committee,” Lewis said. “Because of my experience in the 74th District, I know how much certain areas need legislation to be passed that will revitalize them. I look forward to helping to breathe new life into the Commonwealth, including the 74th District.”
Representative Harry Lewis
74th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Alison Evans
RepLewis.com / Facebook.com/RepLewis