Santora Appointed to Four House Committees
HARRISBURG – Rep. James R. Santora (R-Delaware) announced that he has been appointed to serve on four House committees, including Children and Youth, Local Government, Professional Licensure and Urban Affairs.

“My service on these four committees will allow me to voice the concerns of the people of the 163rd District on a broad range of issues,” Santora said. “I look forward to working with my colleagues and committee chairmen to advance legislation that will benefit Delaware County and the Commonwealth as a whole.”

Santora’s experience as an elected councilman at large in Upper Darby Township will help him as he joins the Local Government Committee, which reviews bills that would amend the municipal codes by which local governments operate. This could include legislation related to local government purchases and real estate assessment policies, among other things.

Santora, a licensed real estate broker, will serve on the Professional Licensure Committee, which considers all legislation dealing with the 29 professional and occupational licensing boards and commissions in Pennsylvania.

“I have firsthand knowledge of the professional licensure process in my capacity as a licensed real estate broker,” Santora said. “I understand the importance of ensuring that professionals are sufficiently trained and educated.”

A father of two sons and a daughter, Santora is eager to begin work on the Children and Youth Committee, which is responsible for interacting with the Health, Human Services and Judiciary committees in dealing with issues targeted to the 18-year-old and under population.

Santora will also join the Urban Affairs Committee, which oversees legislation concerning Pennsylvania’s cities and most populous counties, housing and redevelopment agencies, parking and convention center authorities, economic development, community development, affordable housing and manufactured housing.

Representative James R. Santora
163rd Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Jonathan Anzur
717.260.6610 /