Day Continues Service on House Appropriations Committee
HARRISBURG – Rep. Gary Day (R-Lehigh/Berks) will continue his service on the powerful House Appropriations Committee for the 2015-16 legislative session.
This is the third session in which Day will be a member of the committee, which plays a critical role in examining the governor’s budget proposal and overseeing the Commonwealth’s spending decisions.
“Already, predictions about the upcoming budget are not looking optimistic, with estimates of a deficit ranging near the $2 billion mark,” Day said. “However, I’ll be listening intently when Governor Tom Wolf delivers his very first budget address the first week of March. There are numerous financial challenges ahead of us, and that is why the work of this committee is crucial to steer the Commonwealth in the right direction.”
In addition to Appropriations, Day will continue to be a member of the House Insurance and Health committees.
The Insurance Committee handles legislation regarding general insurance company operations, including homeowners, life, health and automobile, as well as agent and broker licensing and medical malpractice insurance. Likewise, his service on the House Health Committee will involve legislation regarding health insurance, and the state’s involvement with the Affordable Care Act, among other issues.
New to his roster this term is the House Urban Affairs Committee, which he served on during his first two terms in the General Assembly.
“The committee level is really where the majority of lawmaking takes place, as all bills must be referred to a standing committee for study and consideration and where proposals begin to be refined into workable pieces of legislation,” Day said. “I am looking forward to continuing my role on these critical committees, and making sure that the voice, interests and opinions of the people of the 187th District are heard.”
Representative Gary Day
187th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Jennifer Keaton
717.705.2094 /