House Republican Leaders’ Statement on Rep. Sims
HARRISBURG – House Republican leaders are issuing the following statement: 
“Rep. Brian Sims’ actions reflect the worst in how people should behave and treat one another in a civil society. No one should ever be subjected to any form of harassment or intimidation because they choose to exercise their constitutional rights to pray or peacefully advocate.

 “The actions of one member are a reflection on all of us, regardless of party affiliation, and the pledge we all take to serve the people of our Commonwealth. The victims of Rep. Sims’ actions deserve a sincere apology, as do the members of the House.

“Our caucus has given Rep. Sims time to take responsibility for his behavior and show he is willing to treat people who have opinions different from his own with the respect befitting a member of the House of Representatives. We expect House Democratic Leadership to address this.

“We are extremely disappointed that Rep. Sims’ actions have caused harm to his victims and to our chamber. We expect him to accept full responsibility for his egregious and unacceptable behavior and to pledge that he will meet the high standards that the people of Pennsylvania have for their elected officials.”

House Republican Leadership

Pennsylvania House of Representatives