Gregory Takes Oath of Office as State Representative of 80th District in Blair County
HARRISBURG – Earlier today, state Rep. Jim Gregory (R-Blair) took the oath of office as state representative of the 80th Legislative District in Blair County. He was elected to the seat in November 2018.

“It is truly an honor to serve in this capacity,” said Gregory. “I plan on doing my best to serve the people the 80th District, and work toward the betterment of Blair County and the entire Commonwealth.”

Prior to seeking public office, Gregory spent five years as a legislative aide to a local state senator, was the marketing and sales director for the Altoona Curve, and was a sportscaster for a local television station for 12 years.

He is a prolife and Second Amendment advocate who believes in commonsense governing. He wants to find solutions to lowering the tax burden on working families and addressing the rising opioid crisis that is destroying lives and families across Pennsylvania.

To view video comments by Gregory on his priorities, go here.

His district office is located at 324 Allegheny St. in Hollidaysburg and is open Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The telephone number is (814) 695-2398. A second office, located at 135 Stadium Drive in Bellwood, is open Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The telephone number is (814) 742-7204.

For more information and legislative updates, please visit Gregory’s website at or his Facebook page at

The 80th Legislative District includes part of Blair County consisting of the townships of Allegheny, Antis, Blair, Catharine, Freedom, Frankstown, Greenfield, Huston, Juniata, North Woodbury, Snyder, Taylor, Tyrone and Woodbury and the boroughs of Bellwood, Duncansville, Hollidaysburg, Martinsburg, Newry, Roaring Spring, Tyrone and Williamsburg.

Representative Jim Gregory
80th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Tricia Lehman
717.772.9840 /