To responsibly move the state forward during these uncertain times, the Pennsylvania House of Representatives has passed a 5-month stabilizing budget in May and has now completed the process as the legislative session comes to a close. This type of budget approach allowed appropriate time to get the necessary data to make more informed decisions from a more accurate financial position.
For the entirety of the 20-21 fiscal year, this Pennsylvania state budget:
- fully funds schools and education, as well as public health and community safety.
- protects Pennsylvania's most vulnerable (especially in a pandemic) by funding vital health and human service programs.
- provides necessary funding for our
public health and safety frontline workers.
- reduces state spending.
- includes no new or increased taxes or fees.
Read statement from PA House Republican Caucus Leaders on Passage of State Budget
By standing up for taxpayers, this state budget is balanced using existing resources, and without tax increases or public borrowing.
- The budget is balanced using $531 million transferred in available special funds.
- Even though it's been a very challenging year, legislators made the fiscally responsible decision to preserve the state's Rainy Day Fund. The fund will have $243 million remaining.
Budget Documents
General Fund Appropriations Spreadsheet
General Fund Financial Statement
10 year overview of education funding