Jan. 12, 2016

HARRISBURG – This week, the House of Representatives convened in session to consider final pieces of legislation that would make up a full-year fiscally responsible budget. On Monday, the House considered legislation to provide much-needed funding to Penn State University (including the Pennsylvania College of Technology), the University of Pittsburgh, Temple University, Lincoln University and the University of Pennsylvania Veterinary School. The legislation allocating the revenue did not achieve the necessary two-thirds majority of votes.

On Tuesday, the House considered the Fiscal Code, House Bill 1327. The Fiscal Code is a “road map for state spending,” and is legislation that directs the spending levels approved in each budget.

Rep. Jesse Topper (R-Bedford/Fulton/Franklin) issued the following statement in response to the defeat of Senate Bills 912-916 and the consideration of the Fiscal Code:

“Legislation that would have allowed much-needed funding to Pennsylvania’s universities failed, after near unanimous opposition of House Democrats, but I was happy to see some Democrats cross the aisle to support these measures. This legislation required a two-thirds vote, which failed with the lack of strong bipartisan support. This is the second time that House Democrats have defeated legislation that would provide funding to benefit Pennsylvania’s college students.

“These bills would have included 5 percent increases in funding for each of the universities. With the governor’s line-item veto of nearly $3 billion in state education funding and the House Democrats opposing higher education funding this week, money to support students of all ages across the Commonwealth is sitting in the Treasury.

“While I am disappointed in the lack of support from my colleagues across the aisle for higher education funding, the passage of the Fiscal Code is an important step forward for bringing an end to this budget impasse. I will continue to work hard to support a fiscally responsible budget that respects the taxpayers.

Representative Jesse Topper
78th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Eric Reath