Jan. 12, 2016
HARRISBURG – Efforts to send much-needed funding to Penn State University (including the Pennsylvania College of Technology), the University of Pittsburgh, Temple University, Lincoln University and the University of Pennsylvania Veterinary School failed today when the legislation allocating the revenue did not achieve the necessary two-thirds majority of votes.
Members of the York County House Republican delegation, state Reps. Seth Grove (R-Dover), Kate Klunk (R-Hanover), Kristin Phillips-Hill (R-York Township), Mike Regan (R-Dillsburg) and Stan Saylor (R-Red Lion), issued the following statement after defeat of Senate Bills 912-916:
“Last week, Budget Secretary Randy Albright verified that revenue exists in the budget sent to Gov. Tom Wolf’s desk two weeks ago to fund these schools and put an end to the pressure felt by the schools’ students and their parents – even after the governor’s blue-line veto.
“Today, legislation that would have allowed this money to flow failed when House Democrats held out for tax increases that have been repeatedly defeated on the House floor and for which the votes clearly do not exist in the General Assembly.
“Senate Bills 912-916 would have provided 5 percent increases in funding for each of these institutions. House Democrats say that’s not enough. They, and they alone, are preventing tax dollars from moving from Harrisburg’s coffers to these college campuses.”
York County House Republican Delegation
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Scott Little