Dec. 04, 2015

HARRISBURG – Rep. Jason Ortitay (R-Washington/Allegheny) today introduced legislation to ensure individuals with disabilities get the assistance they need when filling up their vehicles.

The legislation, House Bill 1741, would require attended self-service stations to provide refueling assistance upon the request of an individual with a disability. The need for assistance may be requested by use of the vehicle horn or by otherwise signaling an employee. The bill requires assistance be provided without any additional charge beyond the self-serve price.

“We have an opportunity to meet a need for thousands of disabled motorists traveling in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, while making service stations more compliant with the spirit of the Americans with Disabilities Act,” Ortitay said. “I urge my colleagues to support this important legislation.”

Under the bill, service stations would be required to post a sign to notify customers that such assistance is available. A service station would not be required to provide this type of service at any time that it is operating on a remote control basis or with a single employee.

House Bill 1741 is expected to be referred to the House Human Services Committee, where it must be approved before it can be considered by the whole House.

Representative Jason Ortitay
46th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Morgan Wagner
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