Oct. 21, 2015
HARRISBURG – Two pieces of legislation that would reduce the state’s debt and require more efficient and transparent use of taxpayer dollars through Pennsylvania’s Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP) were passed by the state House today.
House Bill 928 limits the amount of outstanding obligations for existing redevelopment assistance projects to $2.95 billion, while
House Bill 930 limits the amount of debt taken on by new projects to $125 million per year while also capping debt for public improvement projects at $350 million per year.
RACP is a Commonwealth grant program administered by the Office of the Budget for the acquisition and construction of regional economic, cultural, civic and historical improvement projects with a focus on job creation.
Members of the Adams and York County House delegations, state Reps. Seth Grove (R-Dover), Kate Klunk (R-Hanover), Dan Moul (R-Gettysburg), Kristin Phillips-Hill (R-York Township), Mike Regan (R-Dillsburg), Stan Saylor (R-Red Lion) and Will Tallman (R-Abbottstown), issued the following statement in reaction to passage of House Bills 928 and 930:
“Passage of these two bills is a vote for the people of Pennsylvania, who deserve better stewardship of their hard-earned dollars, as well as those of future generations. Both pieces of legislation increase the efficiency of an economic tool that is already in place, but was often misused in prior years.
“These bills place less of a burden on our kids and grandkids by reducing the amount of debt we are allowed to carry and forced to pay on every year. As a result, more tax dollars will now be available for support and maintenance of government’s core functions.
“RACP is a tremendous job creating initiative but it is not an endless credit card. The General Assembly must set an example as a good money manager, and House Bills 928 and 930 follow the lead of Act 77 of 2013 by making permanent the manner in which our state does business.”
Adams-York County House Republican Delegation
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Scott Little