Oct. 18, 2022

HARRISBURG – In response to the Chester County Board of Elections agreeing to use improved mail-in ballot drop box policies, Rep. Seth Grove (R-Dover), chairman of the House State Government Committee, issued the following statement:

“I am glad to see Chester County has taken steps to protect drop boxes and further restore trust in our elections by making them more secure. The increased security measures will ensure each voter only turns in his or her ballot and should be replicated throughout the Commonwealth.

“The measures include commitment that drop boxes will always be manned, will have specified hours of availability rather than being open 24-7 and will include video surveillance for every drop box.

“Chester County Court of Common Pleas Judge William Mahon, who oversaw the court case resulting from video footage showing countless people returning more than one, often multiple, mail-in ballots, was quoted in the press as saying the process in the county should ‘be the best in the Commonwealth.’ With these new measures in place, he is correct.

“However, it is frustrating more counties don’t have these measures in place. They very well could, but Gov. Tom Wolf vetoed the Voting Rights Protection Act, which included drop box policies now being put into effect in Chester County. If he hadn’t wielded his veto pen, all voters across Pennsylvanian would have the same safety measures afforded to only Chester County voters.”

Representative Seth Grove
196th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Greg Gross
RepGrove.com / Facebook.com/RepSethGrove