Feb. 06, 2024

HARRISBURG – Rep. Mike Cabell (R-Luzerne) attended a joint session of the General Assembly today during which Gov. Josh Shapiro presented his state budget proposal for the 2024-25 fiscal year.

Cabell issued the following statement in reaction to the governor’s $48.3 billion spending plan, which is a $3.7 billion (8.4%) increase over the current fiscal year:

“The governor is asking for $2.5 billion in new spending, which is simply unsustainable and irresponsible due to the uncertainty of the Commonwealth’s future finances. The issue for me is the structural deficit would continue with this budget proposal due to the massive spending increase he’s proposing. When my family or any other family is creating a budget and is unclear about the future, usually you like to tighten your belt a little bit.

“My concern is that by 2028 there will be looming tax increases to pay for a lot of the programs that are being expanded or created in this budget.

“As a member of the House Appropriations Committee, I look forward to reviewing the governor’s proposal and negotiating a spending plan that makes more sense for Pennsylvania and its citizens.”

Cabell noted that the governor’s address is just the beginning of the annual state budget process. The House Appropriations Committee will conduct a series of hearings starting Tuesday, Feb. 20, to examine the details of the governor’s plan and how state departments and agencies are spending their funding. The General Assembly and governor face a June 30 deadline to finalize the budget.

Representative Mike Cabell
117th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
