Mar. 24, 2025

HARRISBURG – Today, Rep. Keith Greiner reintroduced legislation to address the scourge of trash that is piling up along Pennsylvania roadsides in urban and rural areas, including here in scenic Lancaster County.

“We have all seen it. Trash, tires, bottles, cans and more strewn along our streets and highways. Littering is a crime that is spreading blight across our Commonwealth,” said Greiner. “I have spent many hours picking up trash in my legislative district. I find litter personally offensive, uncivil and discourteous, yet many still do it without regard for its impact on our environment and quality of life.

In addition to being unsightly, litter contaminates our soil and waterways, introducing toxic substances and physical hazards that threaten wildlife,” said Greiner. “Plastics and other non-biodegradable waste products can remain in the environment for decades, contributing to long-term pollution and the degradation of our communities.” Significantly, instead of banning hospitals, restaurants and other establishments from selling or using items like Styrofoam or other forms of plastic or foam foodware, Greiner’s legislation only targets those who are directly responsible for the act of littering.

House Bill 1031 would strengthen penalties for offenders who carelessly or intentionally discard trash in our communities. A first offense would increase the maximum possible fine from $300 to $2,000. Second and subsequent convictions would increase the maximum possible fine from $1,000 to $5,000. Stricter penalties apply to those in the garbage hauling industry: if the offender is an owner, operator, or agent of a waste disposal business, the maximum possible fine for a first conviction jumps to $10,000, and to $20,000 for repeat offenses. Additionally, courts may order offenders to perform community service by cleaning up litter, thereby directly addressing the harm caused.

“By increasing the criminal penalties, we can discourage individuals from further contributing to environmental harm and promote respect for our communities, roadways and other public spaces,” said Greiner.

To see a copy of House Bill 1031, visit here.

Representative Keith J. Greiner, CPA
43rd Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Donna Pinkham
717.260.6452 /