Jan. 23, 2015
HARRISBURG – Rep. Doyle Heffley (R-Carbon) has been appointed chair of the Human Services Committee’s Subcommittee on Drugs and Alcohol for the 2015-16 legislative session.
“Opioid and prescription drug abuse has risen dramatically over the last several years in Carbon County and across the Commonwealth,” Heffley said. “Last session, I took a number of steps, including authoring a resolution that created a four-member task force on opioid prescription drug misuse and abuse, to address this problem. I look forward to continuing the important work of combatting drug and alcohol abuse as chair of the Human Services Committee’s Subcommittee on Drugs and Alcohol.”
In addition to rejoining the Human Services Committee, Heffley will again serve on the following committees: Game and Fisheries; Tourism and Recreational Development; and Transportation. He was appointed secretary of the Transportation Committee.
“I am pleased to have been reappointed to committees that deal with issues that are extremely important to Carbon County,” Heffley said. “Tourism is the No.1 industry in our region, and our rich supply of streams and fisheries are a big reason why. A number of infrastructure projects and improvements are also taking place throughout the 122nd District. I remain committed to working with my colleagues as we consider legislation that will support and strengthen each of these areas.”
The Human Services Committee considers legislation related to programs and services for persons with disabilities, individuals who suffer from alcohol or drug addiction, and the professionals who help these communities.
The Game and Fisheries Committee reviews legislation that impacts hunting and fishing in the Commonwealth. The committee also receives and reviews annual reports from the Pennsylvania Game Commission and the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission.
The Tourism and Recreational Development Committee oversees legislation that deals with state tourism promotion and visitor bureaus, rural tourism programs, heritage parks, museum and historic site funding, film industry-related issues and state park recreational activities.
The Transportation Committee handles all legislation and programs dealing with the Commonwealth’s infrastructure, including roads, bridges and highways.
Representative Doyle Heffley
122nd District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Jonathan Anzur
RepHeffley.com /