Jan. 23, 2015

HARRISBURG – State Reps. Matt Gabler (R-Clearfield/Elk) and Tommy Sankey
(R-Cambria/Clearfield) have received their committee assignments for the 2015-16 session.
“Being considered by one of the 27 individual committees is the first significant hurdle a House bill must clear,” Gabler said. “Proposed legislation is already being circulated, and Tommy and I are anxious to get down to the business of examining these bills for possible committee votes.”
Both Gabler and Sankey appear on the rosters of the following committees:

Environmental Resources and Energy - Oversees more than 40 different environmental and energy-related laws that are administered by the Department of Environmental Protection and the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.
Finance Committee - Considers legislation involving state and local taxes, State Lottery law, the Fiscal Code and tax exemption.
State Government Committee - Deals with issues such as Pennsylvania’s Right-to Know Law, the Election Code and the structure of state government.
Gabler is a first-time member of the Game and Fisheries Committee, which receives and reviews annual performance and status reports from the Pennsylvania Game Commission and the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission.
Sankey is again serving on the Local Government Committee, which handles legislation on topics that include municipal codes, local taxation and assessment laws.
“As legislators, we spend a great deal of time interacting with our municipal officials,” Sankey added. “I’m looking forward to taking that relationship a step further in moving legislation that is helpful to boroughs and townships in the 73rd District.”
Questions about this or any legislative topic may be directed to Gabler’s DuBois office (814-375-4688), his St. Marys office (814-781-6301), Sankey’s Clearfield office (765-0609), his Osceola Mills office (814-339-6544) or his Hastings office (814-247-6210).
Representative Matt Gabler
75th District, Pennsylvania House of Representatives

RepGabler.com / Facebook.com/RepGabler
Representative Tommy Sankey
73rd District, Pennsylvania House of Representatives
RepSankey.com / Facebook.com/RepSankey
Media Contact: Scott Little