Jan. 22, 2015

HARRISBURG – Rep. Bryan Cutler (R-Peach Bottom) has been selected by the Speaker to serve on two House committees during the 2015-16 legislative session: Rules and Committee on Committees. Cutler will also serve as the majority whip.
“The Rules Committee makes recommendations designed to improve and expedite the business of the House and its committees, and proposes to the House any amendments to the rules that are necessary,” Cutler said. “The committee helps to keep everything running smoothly and efficiently.”
When a bill or joint resolution has been amended by the Senate and returned to the House for concurrence, it is referred automatically to the Rules Committee, which has the power to revert to the language of the bill as it was last passed in the House.
The committee consists of the House speaker, majority and minority leaders, majority and minority whips, majority and minority appropriations chairmen, 12 members of the majority party appointed by the speaker as well as 10 members of the minority party appointed by the minority leader. The majority leader chairs the committee.
Cutler will also serve on the Committee on Committees, which is tasked with choosing which members serve on which committees.
“As a member of Committee on Committees, I helped to match the skills, past experiences and interests of all members of the House to the standing committees to maximize the committees’ effectiveness,” Cutler explained. “I was honored to be trusted with such an important duty.”
For more information on Cutler’s committee assignments for the 2015-16 legislative session, or any other state-related issue, contact Cutler’s district office by calling (717) 284-1965.
Representative Bryan Cutler
100th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Alison Evans
RepCutler.com / Facebook.com/RepBryanCutler