Jan. 21, 2015

HARRISBURG – State Rep. Tarah Toohil (R-Luzerne) today announced that she has been appointed to serve on the House Children and Youth, Health, Judiciary and Local Government committees for the 2015-16 legislative session. She served on the same four committees during the previous two sessions.

“I am pleased to have been retained as a member of committees that deal with issues that are of great interest to me,” said Toohil. “I look forward to working with my colleagues on crafting legislation that will improve the lives of the people of Pennsylvania.”

The Children and Youth Committee considers legislation related to child protection and child welfare. It also addresses child day care services, infant/child/mother health issues, juvenile delinquency, adolescent and teen problems, and adoption and foster care.

The Health Committee works on health-related issues and legislation, ranging from teen pregnancy and nursing home licensing to mental retardation and organ donation.

Toohil, who is an attorney, is especially pleased to be able to continue her service on the Judiciary Committee, which deals with issues related to crime, law enforcement, the judiciary, illegal drugs, family law and state ethics law.

“During the last session the Judiciary Committee did some important work on new laws legislation that better protect Pennsylvania’s children,” said Toohil. “I am excited to be able to continue those efforts.”

The Local Government Committee reviews bills dealing with the municipal codes by which local governments operate.

In addition, Toohil announced that she has once again been appointed to serve as a deputy whip during the 2015-16 session by the House Majority Whip, Rep. Bryan Cutler (R-York). Deputy whips have a variety of responsibilities on the House floor, including assisting with member head counts and promoting certain difficult issues facing the House Republican Caucus. Toohil served as a deputy whip during the previous two sessions.

For more information on Toohil and her legislative priorities, visit www.RepToohil.com or www.Facebook.com/RepToohil.

Representative Tarah Toohil
116th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Contact: Rep. Toohil’s Office
RepToohil.com / Facebook.com/RepToohil