Environmental & Natural Resource Protection
Environmental Resources & Energy Committee
Jun. 05, 2019 / Embed
Informational meeting on HB 781, amends the distribution of the Act 13 impact fee to allow counties, regardless of whether the county has wells located within its border, to use impact fee funds for storm water management.
Environmental & Energy Committee Part 1
May. 14, 2019 / Embed
Informational meeting on the demand response industry in Pennsylvania.
Environmental Resources & Energy
May. 08, 2019 / Embed
Informational meeting to hear from the regulated community on their experiences with the PA Department of Environmental Protection's permitting program and discuss a variety of permits associated with projects across the Commonwealth.
Environmental Resources & Energy
Apr. 29, 2019 / Embed
Public hearing on Pennsylvania's nuclear waste containment in light of TMI's impending closure.
Environmental Resources & Energy
Apr. 17, 2019 / Embed
Informational meeting on recycling industry and how industry has been impacted by China, as well as any free-market solutions.
Environmental Resources & Energy Call of Chair
Apr. 16, 2019 / Embed
Voting meeting on HB 414, HB 430, HB 476, HB 509, HB 762, HB 806 and any other business that may come before the committee.
Environmental Resources & Energy
Apr. 08, 2019 / Embed
Informational meeting on polystyrene in Pennsylvania and the consequences of a statewide ban.
Environmental Resources and Energy Committee Informational Meeting
Mar. 27, 2019 / Embed
Climate change is discussed at the March 27th Environmental Resources and Energy Committee.
Environmental Resources & Energy
Mar. 20, 2019 / Embed
Informational meeting- Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) and how the Commission's oversight affects those in the Basin versus the rest of the Commonwealth.
Environmental Resources & Energy
Mar. 19, 2019 / Embed
Voting meeting on HB 247 and any other business that may come before the committee.