Environmental Resources & Energy Committee Meeting

Jun. 08, 2021 / Embed

Voting meeting on HB 637, HB 668 and any other business that may come before the committee.

House Energy & Environmental Resources Meeting

May. 04, 2021 / Embed

Voting meeting on HB 1144 and any other business that may come before the committee.

Joint House/Senate Environmental Resources/Energy Public Hearing

Apr. 27, 2021 / Embed

Joint public hearing on Alternate Septic Systems-Act 34 Implementation.

Environmental Resources & Energy Committee Meeting

Apr. 20, 2021 / Embed

Voting meeting on HB 72, HB 139, HB 288 and any other business that may come before the committee.

Environmental Resources and Energy Committee Meeting

Apr. 19, 2021 / Embed

An Environmental Resources and Energy Committee meeting to discuss the conventional oil and gas industry.

Environmental Resources & Energy Committee Meeting

Apr. 07, 2021 / Embed

Informational meeting on Pennsylvania's Forests and Forest Products.

House Environmental Resources & Energy Committee

Mar. 16, 2021 / Embed

Voting meeting on HB 754 (Bottled water inspection) and any other business that may come before the committee.

House Environmental Resources & Energy Committee Meeting

Mar. 15, 2021 / Embed

Informational meeting on Embracing Pennsylvania's energy potential: hydrogen power and carbon capture.

House Environmental Resources & Energy Committee

Feb. 24, 2021 / Embed

Informational meeting on area of oversight for the ERE Committee for the benefit of the members regarding the state of our natural gas economy in Pennsylvania and opportunities for growing our energy industry.

Environmental Resources & Energy Committee Meeting

Feb. 24, 2021 / Embed

Voting meeting on letter to IRRC regarding Reg#7-556 Dam Safety & Waterway Management and any other business that may come before the committee.