Joint Committee meeting of the VAEP and Judiciary PART 2 OF 2

May. 14, 2014 / Embed

House Judiciary Committee and House Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee discuss the Pennsylvania State Police PILOT Towing Program.

House Veteran's Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee

Apr. 30, 2014 / Embed

Voting meeting on HR 649, SB 403, SB 707, SB 923, SB 1115, and any other business that may come before the Committee.

House Veteran's Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee meeting

Apr. 02, 2014 / Embed

House Veteran's Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee Voting meeting - on HR 536, HR 597, HR 663, HR 739

House Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee Public Hearing: Part I

Mar. 05, 2014 / Embed

The House Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee holds a public hearing on emergency preparedness and response capabilities related to the transportation of crude oil across the Commonwealth.

House Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee Public Hearing: Part II

Mar. 05, 2014 / Embed

The House Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee holds a public hearing on emergency preparedness and response capabilities related to the transportation of crude oil across the Commonwealth.

House Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee

Feb. 28, 2014 / Embed

The House Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee holds a hearing on efforts to address recruitment and retention of volunteer emergency service personnel.

House Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee Public Hearing

Feb. 26, 2014 / Embed

The House Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee holds a public hearing on the report of HR 315 of 2012.

House Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee Public Hearing

Jan. 08, 2014 / Embed

The House Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee held a public hearing on a final rewrite of the Wireless 911 bill.

House Labor and Industry Committee and House Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee meeting

Dec. 18, 2013 / Embed

Joint meeting of House Labor and Industry Committee and House Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee on Implementation of Act 46 of 2011 (Cancer Presumption).

House Veteran's Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee meeting

Dec. 16, 2013 / Embed

House Veteran's Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee holds Voting meeting on HR 584.