House Republicans are focusing on good jobs and careers for all Pennsylvanians, to help transition people from minimum wage jobs to family-sustaining careers.

Workforce Ready

Our workers are the most valuable economic resource, and state government has a responsibility to provide the opportunity for every Pennsylvanian to be adequately prepared to compete in a global economy.
Workforce development focuses on the individual and developing workers with the skills necessary for today’s and tomorrow’s economy.

Workers all have different needs and goals when it comes to succeeding in the labor market.  Workforce development can be secondary and post-secondary career and technical education for students.  It can be re-training for unemployed or dislocated workers.  It can also be basic job readiness skills for inmates re-entering society, recipients of public assistance or people with disabilities. 

Every Pennsylvanian deserves the opportunity to learn
the skills necessary to move up the economic ladder.

So What's the Problem?

Many consider Pennsylvania’s workforce development system as dysfunctional. And who can argue? It is spread across many state agencies, with each agency independently setting its own targets and goals. This fractured system has led to duplication of effort and missed opportunities, rather than a system that works as a cohesive whole.
As employers tell us they need better-educated and better-prepared employees who come to them with some skills already mastered, the state’s traditional education system has struggled to prepare students for today’s job market.
To handle the diverse needs of Pennsylvania’s current and future labor force, the agencies and programs responsible for workforce development must be better coordinated – and they must be responsive to the needs of the labor market. 

As we take action to improve economic opportunity in Pennsylvania, and if we expect private-sector firms to create and retain family-sustaining jobs in Pennsylvania communities, we need Pennsylvania workers ready to fill those jobs. 

Enter The #GoodJobs4PA Initiative

PA House Republican career and technical education (CTE) proposals are
aimed at establishing partnerships between education and businesses.

>>#GoodJobs4PA Legislation Package

House Republican career and technical education (CTE) proposals are aimed at establishing partnerships between education and businesses to create youth apprenticeships, career pathways, and rigorous career and technical education to build a stronger workforce. Exposing students to career experiences earlier in the educational process is proven to help set them on a path to success. All students should leave the system with a fine secondary education that sometimes includes college-level coursework along with meaningful on-the-job experiences so they are best prepared to know what options are out there, and what skills they will specifically need to succeed.

While equipping students with workplace skills addresses the needs of one segment of the job-seeking population, our members are also offering solutions for unemployed adults, soon-to-be-released inmates and returning military veterans.

Partnering With Businesses to Develop Well-Trained Employees for PA Jobs ... Today and Tomorrow

This problem is not just solved by providing students and under-employed adults with tools to succeed. We are leading the way in listening to employers and partnering with industries to know exactly what economic leaders are looking for in filling their positions and growing their companies here in Pennsylvania.

The Wistar Institute in Philadelphia is a great example of
job training programs/business partnerships.

Ultimately building an effective workforce system is essential to economic development. Simply, you need people be successful as they work in the jobs that are created. We are working on all sides of the issue, creating a world-class workforce and growing world-leading industries, which will lead to the next generation of great companies and employees calling Pennsylvania home.

News Updates on #GoodJobs4PA

House Package Would Grow Good Jobs in PA

House Approves Mackenzie Bill to Ensure Students are Career Bound

House Passes Mako Bill to Increase Awareness of Technical Careers

House Passes Tobash’s Career and Technical Education Investment Incentive Program

House Renews its Commitment to CTE, Approves Grove Bill

Sonney Leads House Education Committee in Advancing Career and Technical Education Package

Committee Approves Klunk Resolution to Allow 529 Savings for Workforce Development Expenses

House Committee Approves Grove Bill, Part of Comprehensive Package to Improve Career and Technical Education

Committee Approves Mako Bill to Increase Awareness of Technical Careers

Workforce Development Takes Center Stage

Policy Committee Continues Focus on Good Jobs for PA with Visit to The Wistar Institute

Good Jobs for PA Are Focus of Pittsburgh Trade Union Tours

Cutler Joins Governor in Efforts to Revitalize PA Workforce

Workforce Development Takes Center Stage as Sonney, Committee Members Unveil Career and Technical Education Package

Cox, House Committee to Hear about Worker Training Programs