The boundaries of state House and Senate districts across the state are in the process of being redrawn to reflect population changes highlighted in the 2020 U.S. Census. Typically, these changes are modest, as the map drawers aim to maintain existing districts and communities of interest as much as possible.
Unfortunately, this year’s Legislative Reapportionment Commission (LRC) appears to have wholly disregarded existing communities of interest, making massive changes in a number of districts across the state.
>> View the overall plan
>> View the map of proposed districts
New Year – New PA House Districts – What You Need to Know
In 2022, Pennsylvania will have all new legislative districts – State House, State Senate and U.S. Congressional lines will all be redrawn.
The process is underway – and the preliminary State House map is being heavily criticized from both sides of the aisle.
The Pennsylvania Constitution says, “Unless absolutely necessary no county, city, incorporated town, borough, township or ward shall be divided in forming either a senatorial or representative district.”
But the preliminary map has splits in Lancaster City, Allentown, Reading, Scranton, State College and Harrisburg.
None of these splits are absolutely necessary, and the people in charge of creating the districts have provided no explanation for why they chose to split up these cities.
Testimony on the plan submitted by the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors (PSATS) raises further questions about these splits.
The Constitution also says districts shall be compact and contiguous. However, many county maps features multiple ‘holes’, ‘loops’ and ‘tails’ with no explanation provided.
At a time when we are working diligently to build and restore faith in our elections – these lines work to do just the opposite.
The good news is now is the time to have YOUR say in the process. The commission is currently accepting comments, files and maps from the public. Make your voice heard for your community and tell the commission why you, your friends, and your neighbors should not be split. You can submit your comments online here.
Press Conferences on the Legislative District Maps
News and Editorials
Fox News:
Partisan fight simmers over crucial Pennsylvania state House redistricting plan
NBC News:
'Not enough': Critics say proposed Pa. districts limit Latino representation
Bucks County Courier Times:
How the proposed state House redistricting plan will hurt Bucks County
Philadelphia Inquirer:
PA Republicans are going on the attack against a new map for state House districts
Lewistown Sentinel:
Redistricting proposal harmful to Mifflin, Juniata and other rural counties
Delaware Valley Journal:
Proposed Legislative Map Draws GOP Ire
Philadelphia Inquirer:
Pa. Democrats could get a big boost from a new state House map
Preliminary maps of legislative districts impact midstate counties in unexpected way
House Republicans insist newly drawn districts are ‘unconstitutional gerrymander’
GOP representatives say proposed voting district map 'needs to go'
House Members Respond
Majority Leader Kerry Benninghoff:
Proposed state House map is a partisan gerrymander
PA House Republicans:
Who Drew the Preliminary State House Map?
Rep. Wendi Thomas (R-Bucks):
New Maps for House Districts are Unfair and Less Competitive
Rep. Doyle Heffley (R-Carbon):
Blatant Gerrymandering of Preliminary House District Map is Mind-Boggling
Speaker Bryan Cutler (R-Lancaster):
Cutler Calls Out Gerrymandered State House Maps
Rep. Bud Cook (R-Washington/Fayette):
Cook Says Redistricting Process Must Be Fair, Accountable and Transparent
Rep. Rob Mercuri (R-Allegheny):
Pa.’s new legislative map for House not only favors Dems, it’s also unconstitutional
Rep. Valerie Gaydos (R-Allegheny):
Gaydos Issues Statement: Commission Approves Preliminary State Redistricting Maps
Take Action
Maps and descriptions of the current district and proposed new districts are available at
There is time and opportunity for constituents to weigh in on this proposal. The LRC is accepting comments on its website for a 30-day, public comment period, prior to a final vote by the commission in January.
You can submit feedback on the maps at