Feb. 09, 2016 /
HARRISBURG – Rep. Martin Causer (R-Turtlepoint) expressed both concern and frustration on Tuesday after hearing Gov. Tom Wolf’s proposal for a $33.29 billion budget for the 2016-17 fiscal year.
Feb. 09, 2016 /
HARRISBURG – State Rep. Jim Cox (R-Berks/Lancaster) today issued the following statement after Gov. Tom Wolf delivered his annual budget address to a joint session of the state House and Senate:
Feb. 09, 2016 /
HARRISBURG – After a year of unsuccessfully demanding massive tax hikes on Pennsylvania families, Gov. Tom Wolf today touted his plan for more of the same in his formal 2016-17 budget proposal delivered before a joint session of the General Assembly.
Feb. 09, 2016 /
HARRISBURG—Rep. Todd Stephens (R-Montgomery) released this statement following Gov. Tom Wolf’s budget address. Wolf called for increased spending and taxes:
Feb. 09, 2016 /
HARRISBURG – Rep. Tedd Nesbit (R-Mercer/Butler) expressed disappointment today after Gov. Tom Wolf presented his budget proposal for the 2016-17 fiscal year.
Feb. 09, 2016 /
HARRISBURG – On the same day Gov. Tom Wolf delivered his annual budget address, Rep. Dan Truitt (R-Chester) and other lawmakers held a Capitol news conference this morning to urge their colleagues to adopt legislation that would prevent the interruption of crucial services in the event of a future state budget impasse.
Feb. 09, 2016 /
HARRISBURG – The bicameral, bipartisan Legislative Audit Advisory Commission (LAAC), chaired by Rep. Mark Keller (R-Perry/Cumberland), today voted to accept the audit report of the Pennsylvania General Assembly’s finances for the 2014-15 fiscal year as conducted by an independent certified public accounting firm.
Feb. 08, 2016 /
Watch it live! A live web stream of this press conference can be viewed at PAHouseGOP.com starting approximately five minutes after the governor’s budget address ends (the address will also be available live on the website).
Feb. 08, 2016 /
HARRISBURG – With the cost of key state budget areas – education and human services – continuing to rise, Rep. Kate Harper (R-Montgomery) today appeared before the House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee to make the case for a severance tax on natural gas drilling in the Commonwealth.
Feb. 08, 2016 /
WHAT: Lawmakers will emphasize the need for legislation to prevent the interruption of key government services during any future budget impasses. House Bill 1410, House Bill 232 and other efforts to break future budget impasses will be discussed.
Feb. 08, 2016 /
HARRISBURG – Freshman Rep. David Parker (R-Monroe) has been selected to serve on the committee to escort Gov. Tom Wolf into the House chamber on Tuesday, Feb. 9, to deliver his budget address for the 2016-17 fiscal year.
Feb. 08, 2016 /
WHAT: House Gaming Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. John Payne (R-Dauphin) announced the committee will hold a voting meeting to consider House Resolution 619, which would urge U.S. Congress to lift the federal ban on sports betting and to allow Pennsylvania – and all states that authorize, license and regulate casino gaming — to legalize sports betting through its licensed facilities.
Feb. 05, 2016 /
WHAT: State Reps. Seth Grove (R-York) and members of the Select
Subcommittee on Technical Education and Career Readiness
will hear testimony regarding regional and national trends for career and technical education.
Feb. 05, 2016 /
WHAT: Rep. Mark Keller (R-Perry/Cumberland), chairman of the Legislative Audit Advisory Commission (LAAC), and other LAAC members will meet to review and accept the 2015 audit.
Feb. 05, 2016 /
HARRISBURG – The House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee will hold an informational meeting next week to discuss natural gas severance tax proposals, including one sponsored by Rep. Kate Harper (R-Montgomery).
Feb. 05, 2016 /
HARRISBURG-- The Pennsylvania Professional Fire Fighters Association and the Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers (SMART) have endorsed a proposal by Rep. Martina White (R-Philadelphia) to require proper staffing on trains and light engines moving freight through Pennsylvania to reduce the risk of a train crash.
Feb. 05, 2016 /
HARRISBURG – Today, Gov. Tom Wolf held a press conference to discuss the outcome of his GO-TIME initiative, which was created to produce $150 million in savings through government efficiencies.
Feb. 05, 2016 /
HARRISBURG – Rep. Tom Quigley (R-Montgomery) questions Gov. Tom Wolf’s dictatorial decision to eliminate the Public Employees Retirement Commission (PERC), which evaluates all proposed legislative pension changes.
Feb. 04, 2016 /
HARRISBURG – State Reps. Neal P. Goodman (D-Schuylkill) and Keith Gillespie (R-Hellam) are preparing to introduce legislation that would expand Pennsylvania’s mentored youth hunting program to people ages 12 to 17.
Feb. 03, 2016 /
HARRISBURG – State Reps. Keith Greiner (R-Lancaster), Seth Grove (R-York) and Stephen Bloom (R-Cumberland) today responded to the news of Gov. Tom Wolf’s unilateral move to shut down the Public Employees Retirement Commission (PERC).